STEPlib SysML: How To use the XSD Scripts



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This page explains how to use the Scripts of the STEP architecture to generate the XSD.



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The steps for generating the AP243 set of documents are as follows:

Generate the Domain Model XSD

Generate the AP DomainModel.xsd from the Domain_model.xml as follows:

  • (in Windows) open a cmd window from the scriptssteplib/AntImp/ folder and run the following:

    java -jar saxon9.jar -t ../Domain_model.xml DomainModel_xmi_to_xsd.xsl > unsorted_DomainModel.xsd
    java -jar saxon9.jar -t unsorted_DomainModel.xsd DomainModel_sort_xsd.xsl > DomainModel.xsd

The resultant file is: scriptssteplib/AntImp/DomainModel.xsd

Generate the Domain Model JSON schema (OpenAPI)

Generate the AP DomainModel.json from the Domain_model.xml as follows:

  • (in Windows) open a cmd window from the scriptssteplib/AntImp/ folder and run the following:

    java -jar ../saxon9.jar -t ../Domain_model.xml DomainModel_xmi_to_json.xsl
    type DomainModel_NotPretty243.json | python -m json.tool > DomainModel.json

The resultant file is: scriptssteplib/AntImp/DomainModel.json

Section author: Judith Crockford (AP243)