.. comment all inline tags to start with _how_scpt_vm_ .. index:: Scripts; How to - Environment variables .. _how_scpt_vm_top: .. |br| raw:: html
STEPlib SysML: STEPdev virtual machines ###################################################### .. include:: /pages/common/pageunderconstruction.txt :start-line: 3 This page explains how to begin with the STEPdev virtual machines. .. contents:: Contents: :local: :depth: 1 :backlinks: top ================================ Why a virtual machine ================================ *We realized during summer 2018 that even if we have developed scripts for the quality check, it was difficult to use them because we are a big team with heterogeneous operating systems and different ways of working.* Then we have imagined a virtual machine which will be: * always up to date at the version of the softwares used by all of us (Python, Saxon, Ruby, Express Express Engine, Sphinx...), * using environment variables in order to harmonize and facilitate the way to run the scripts, * data free, the data used are those of your computer ================================ Why **two** virtual machines ================================ The light virtual machine is convenient to launch the scripts with aliases or command lines. * Docker Desktop community edition is required, * It can be installed from Windows (7 and 10), Linux and Mac OS. The complete virtual machine loads graphical softwares such as Eclipse or Magic Draw. * Virtualbox is required .. tip:: Request a demo by sending an email to |support email| .. Note:: To go further to the STEPdev virtual machines, have a look on the User Manual http://git2.boost-lab.net/admins/stepdev-vms/blob/master/User_Manual.pdf =================================================================================== Build documentation of 10303-239, 10303-243, 10303-4000 and 10303-4442 with the VMs =================================================================================== *The complete documentation is available here* |script IS| .. list-table:: Build 10303-239 and 10303-243 :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Task - Action * - **Checkout the repository** - See with the team which branch of the Harmonization-fork-STEP-updated-architecture * - **Export the diagrams** - In MagicDraw, open the mdzip project |br| check the image output settings (see Export images from MagicDraw in the |script IS|) |br| select the packages and run the exportDiagrams macro (see Export images from MagicDraw in the |script IS|) * - **Check the variables of the STEPDev virtual machine** |br| *only for the docker version of the VM* - go to docker_container folder, open config.txt file and check: |br| **mount harmo** should be your local Harmonization-STEP-updated-architecture **up-to-date** repository. Please pay attention to the branch. |br| **mount work** should be your current folder. We recommend to use an empty folder. |br| **mount tmp** should be your tmp folder. |br| make sure that |br| $SLSCRIPTS is /harmo/STEPlib/utils |br| $AP is /harmo/STEPlib/Application_protocols/AP239 or AP243 |br| $WORK is /work |br| and ensure that the alias **Build_10303-AP** exists * - **Launch the VM** - go to the docker_container folder |br| and enter **./launch_vm.sh** |br| when the VM is started, enter **cd $WORK** * - **Run the script** - Warning: the following folders have to be empty |br| $WORK/output/data |br| $WORK/output/html |br| $WORK/AntPub/output/data/core_model |br| $SLSCRIPTS/AntPub/input/maps |br| $WORK/output/sysml_models_ids.xml |br| $SLSCRIPTS/AntPub/input/sysml_models_ids.xml |br| The core_model data should be added in /Antpub/outpub/data This can be done after the generation of the publication. |br| when you are ready, enter **Build_10303-AP 239 plcs** or **Build_10303-AP 243 mossec** |br| You will find the build in your /Antpub/outpub/data/application_protocols. Use home.htm to display the publication. .. list-table:: Build 10303-4000 :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Task - Action * - **Checkout the repository** - the CTC-harmonization_rebased branch of the Harmonization-fork-STEP-updated-architecture * - **Export the diagrams** - In MagicDraw, open the Core_model.mdzip project |br| check the image output settings (see Export images from MagicDraw in the |script IS|) |br| select the Core_model package and run the exportDiagrams macro (see Export images from MagicDraw in the |script IS|) * - **Check the variables of the STEPDev virtual machine** |br| *only for the docker version of the VM* - go to docker_container folder, open config.txt file and check: |br| **mount harmo** should be your local Harmonization-STEP-updated-architecture **up-to-date** repository |br| **mount work** should be your current folder. We recommend to use an empty folder. |br| make sure that |br| $SLSCRIPTS is /harmo/STEPlib/utils |br| $CORE is /harmo/STEPlib/Core_model |br| $WORK is /work |br| and ensure that the alias **Build_10303-4000** exists * - **Launch the VM** - go to the docker_container folder |br| and enter **./launch_vm.sh** |br| when the VM is started, enter **cd $WORK** * - **Run the script** - Warning: the following folders have to be empty |br| $WORK/output/data |br| $WORK/output/html |br| $WORK/AntPub/output/data/core_model |br| $SLSCRIPTS/AntPub/input/maps |br| |br| when you are ready, enter **Build_10303-4000** |br| You will find the build in your /Antpub/outpub/data/core_model .. list-table:: Build 10303-4442 :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Task - Action * - **Checkout the repository** - the AP242_ed2_IS_Amendment branch of the Harmonization-fork-STEP-updated-architecture * - **Export the diagrams and make the xml** - In MagicDraw, open the Domain_model.mdzip project |br| check the image output (Tab File/Save as image) settings : png, 150 dpi and 120% |br| in the Tools tab, select the Report Wizard, then the Web Publisher 2.0 (in the default template section) and generate the report. |br| in the File tab, select the Export to, then the Eclipse UML 2 XMI file. |br| in the File tab, select the Save as image, modify the settings to 150%, select all the diagrams and export the images into $WORK/picturesToPrint folder. You can also use the macro "exportDiagramsMacro". * - **Check the variables of the STEPDev virtual machine** |br| *only for the docker version of the VM* - go to docker_container folder, open config.txt file and check: |br| **mount harmo** should be your local Harmonization-STEP-updated-architecture **up-to-date** repository |br| **mount work** should be your current folder. We recommend to use an empty folder. |br| make sure that |br| $SLSCRIPTS is /harmo/STEPlib/utils |br| $STEPMODTRIAL is your STEPmod repository for the build |br| $WORK is /work |br| and ensure that the alias **Build_10303-4442** exists * - **Launch the VM** - go to the docker_container folder |br| and enter **./launch_vm.sh** |br| when the VM is started, enter **cd $WORK** * - **Run the script** - Warning: the following folders have to be empty |br| $WORK/AntPub/input/maps |br| $WORK/output |br| $WORK/AntImp |br| |br| when you are ready, to run the script you have many options. |br| the full build, with all the pictures, this can take a while: $SLSCRIPTS/STEPDevScripts/build_10303-4442.sh $WORK/magicDraw_files -night -full |br| the full build, with all the pictures, but XSD and EXPRESS generation and AntPub are manually added to the output files: $SLSCRIPTS/STEPDevScripts/build_10303-4442.sh $WORK/magicDraw_files -day -full |br| the same, without the management of the pictures |br| all the doc: $SLSCRIPTS/STEPDevScripts/build_10303-4442.sh $WORK/magicDraw_files -night |br| the doc, but XSD and EXPRESS generation and AntPub are manually added to the output files: $SLSCRIPTS/STEPDevScripts/build_10303-4442.sh $WORK/magicDraw_files -day |br| |br| the next step is to build, from STEPmod, the 4442 in a change request or an application protocol. .. sectionauthor:: |veroDub| .. include:: /keywords.rst