.. comment all inline tags to start with _help_new_ .. index:: How to; Setup Sphinx .. _help_new_top: How to setup or create a new set of Sphinx doc ********************************************** .. include:: /pages/common/pageunderconstruction.txt :start-line: 3 Follow the online guide http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/tutorial.html. and use the **sphinx-quickstart** script as described in that guide. Note: this documenation includes the "todo" extension that is one of the questions asked by the script. To build this documentation you will also need: :: pip install sphinx==1.5.5 pip install sphinx_rtd_theme==0.2.5b1 pip install sphinxmark==0.1.19 ================= Sphinx extensions ================= To use the **sphinx_rtd_theme** theme the conf.py should include: :: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] =================== Watermarks and ToDo =================== Follow the instructions on the `sphinxmark `__ page for configuring the watermark in conf.py. This example uses: :: extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinxmark'] sphinxmark_enable = True sphinxmark_div = 'document' sphinxmark_image = 'text' sphinxmark_text = 'DRAFT' sphinxmark_text_size = 80 sphinxmark_text_color = (100, 100, 100) sphinxmark_text_rotation = 45 ================================ Customisation titles, footer etc ================================ The maing titles, project name, water mark, footer copywrite etc are defined in the conf.py ======================== Editing content ======================== See :ref:`help_prereq_editing`. ================= Creating your own ================= Follow the online guide from `Defining document structure `_